Seagulls Twist Air

Seagulls twist air in their gray
bodies. Waves heave themselves on the sand. If there is an antique
people recall here, or a god presiding over huge waters
that I could invoke, I am not aware of it.

But I can see that oceans carry hearts
turning blood. At ocean’s shores, reeling seagulls are ghosts of
who lived alone ; their cries rush down their own
brain holes like a numbing wind.

Questions and Answers

What inspired “Seagulls Twist Air”?

I wrote “Seagulls Twist Air” when I was in grade ten or eleven, so this is the work of a teenager. I’m looking at a seagull and at the same time trying to be genuine and honest and faithful to what I feel and think about aspects of my life up to that time.

What poetic techniques did you use in “Seagulls Twist Air”?

I was trying here to create a verse pattern (a rudimentary one, of course). I’ve always been partial to pattern and neatness in the appearance of a poem on the page. Also, aside from satisfying a visual need, for me a verse pattern can be a way to get control of the emotion and drama in a poem.

This poem “Seagulls Twist Air” originally appeared in Science & Literature. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 96 (Spring 1983): 85.

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