Venn Diagram


What happens when control of the flesh doubles as the State.
Duality aligns our union of suspect gatherings.
Polar to rectangular space, the curved plane
Begets the word. Word as h = m/v
The stone hammer
Isn’t the sentence
But the conscience
Each sentence grows
To begin to
Rewrite time as
Its end must surely meet its opposite


Scatterings join again this land
To myself whom I meet in the director’s chair
Hey there, I say, extending safe union and exclusivity
To my ghost
That can’t penetrate its frame. Whose image
Attaches like a dalliance. But
When someone explodes
my limbs converge. Let
The field principle apply to all rationals.
Isn’t a dirty word.

Please note that works on the Canadian Literature website may not be the final versions as they appear in the journal, as additional editing may take place between the web and print versions. If you are quoting reviews, articles, and/or poems from the Canadian Literature website, please indicate the date of access.