New Issue: Reading, Writing, Listening #241

We are pleased to announce the arrival of Canadian Literature, Issue 241, Reading, Writing, Listening. Laura Moss writes in her last editorial:

I know that I am living, today, at an important moment in history and so it seems imperative to share even the small stories for posterity. I think as scholars, mentors, teachers, and parents, much of the past three months has been about being open with our vulnerabilities and insecurities because there’s been a kind of solidarity in that—with students, colleagues, friends, and family—letting down the facade of being a composed professional and just being real in our community support. I admit too that keeping reading notes for this editorial served as a kind of coping mechanism for me over the months. I did not plan for forage, “Unless the Eye Catch Fire,” The Collected Poems of Bronwen Wallace, The Black Prairie Archives, or Little Blue Encyclopedia (For Vivian) to be the books that sustained me through a lockdown, but they did.

– Laura Moss, “111 Days of COVID and Reading

This issue also features:

  • Articles by Emilie Sarah Caravecchia, Kristina Getz, Bronwyn Malloy, Dale Tracy, Helena Van Praet, and Sam Weselowski.
  • Poetry by Mark Cochrane, Chelsea Coupal, Joanne Epp, Frank Klasssen, Michael Lithgow, Stan Rogal, Jade Wallace, and Tom Wayman.
  • Reviews by Zachary Abram, Lisa Banks, Laura Cameron, Sunny Chan, Ryan J. Cox, Melanie Dennis Unrau, James Gifford, Julian Gunn, Heidi Tiedemann Darroch, Shazia Hafiz Ramji, Carla Harrison, Ceilidh Hart, David Huebert, Scott Inniss, Suzanne James, Sarah-Jean Krahn, Dorothy F. Lane, Angelika Maeser Lemieux, Stephanie L. Lu, Krzysztof Majer, Hannah McGregor, Katherine McLeod, Geordie Miller, Catherine Owen, Neil Querengesser, Dani Spinosa, Robert Thacker, Dale Tracy, Sylvie Vranckx, Paul Watkins, and Carl Watts.

The new issue can be ordered through our online store. Happy reading!