Roderick Haig-Brown

Works by Roderick Haig-Brown

Book Reviews by Roderick Haig-Brown

Colours of Different Kinds
By Roderick Haig-Brown
Published in Jalna Revisited. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 66 (Autumn 1975): 97-99.
  • Rivers of Canada by Hugh MacLennan
Canadian Hero
By Roderick Haig-Brown
Published in Aspects of Layton. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 48 (Spring 1971): 87-89.
  • Alexander Mackenzie and the Northwest by Roy Daniells
The Meaning of Purpose of Man
By Roderick Haig-Brown
Published in Canadian Literature 10 (Autumn 1961): 69-71.
  • Northwest by Sea by Ernest S. Dodge
Less Than a Life
By Roderick Haig-Brown
Published in Canadian Literature 5 (Summer 1960): 67-70.
  • Surveyor of the Sea by Bern Anderson