Robin Skelton

Works by Robin Skelton

Book ReviewsPoetryArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Robin Skelton

The Personal Heresy
By Robin Skelton
Published in Modern Canadian Poets. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 23 (Winter 1965): 63-65.
  • The Personal Heresy by Robin Skelton
  • The Laughing Rooster by Irving Layton
Possessed by Death
By Robin Skelton
Published in Publishing in Canada. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 33 (Summer 1967): 85-86.
  • Sift in an Hourglass by Ralph Gustafson (Author)
The House that Frye Built
By Robin Skelton
Published in Literary History in Canada. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 24 (Spring 1965): 63-66.
  • Fables of Identity: Studies in Poetic Mythology by Northrop Frye
More to it than That
By Robin Skelton
Published in Recollections of E. J. Pratt. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 21 (Summer 1964): 69-70.
  • Poésie/Poetry 64 by Jacques Godbout and John Robert Colombo

Poetry by Robin Skelton