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Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

Fin de Siècle by C. J. Dixon
Murder on Location by Howard Engel
Hunter in the Dark by Monica Hughes
At Home in Upper Canada by W. H. New and Jeanne Minhinnick
Pride and Fall by Kildare Dobbs
Famous Last Words by Timothy Findley
Far from Shore by Kevin Major
Kowalski's Last Chance by Leo Simpson
The Art of Emily Carr by Doris Shadbolt
National Research in Canada: the NRC 1916-1966 by W. H. New and Wilfred Eggleston
The Wars by Timothy Findley
In Pursuit of Coleridge by Kathleen Coburn
Smoked Glass by Alden Nowlan
Stepping Stones by Jamie Brown
Emily by Florence McNeil
In Search of Eros by Elizabeth Brewster
The Style of Innocence by Fraser Sutherland
The Immoral Moralists by Patricia Morley
riverrun by Peter Such
Graves without Crosses by Arved Viirlaid
Wilderness Writers by James Polk
At Home in Upper Canada by Jeanne Mihinnick
The Fenians by Michael Crawford and Kenneth Armstrong
Leacock by Stephen Franklin
A World Turned Turtle by John Cornish
Canada Past & Present by John Saywell
The Mysterious Naked Man by Alden Nowlan
A Cardboard Garage by Francis Sparshott
An Earl Must Have a Wife by Will R. Bird
New Canadian Writing 1968 by David Lewis Stein
Miracle at Indian River by Alden Nowlan
Building the CPR by Doug Stuebing and Donald Stephens
The Great Depression by Donald Stephens and Charles W. Humphries
The North-west Passage by Richard Howard and Donald Stephens
Louisberg by Richard Howard and Donald Stephens
La Salle by John Upton Terrell and Donald Stephens
New Canadian Writing, 1969 by C. J. Newman, John Metcalf and D. O. Spettigue
Sherbourne Street by John Cornish
Lunar Caustic by Malcolm Lowry
A Century of Reporting/Un siècle de reportage by L. Brault, J.-L. Gagnon, W. Kesterton, F. Underhill, C. Young and D. C. McArthur
Calvin and the Libertines of Geneva by Ross William Collins
Bread, Wine and Salt by Alden Nowlan
Morrice by Kathleen Daly Pepper
A Place of Liberty by George Whalley
Between Arab and Israel by E. L. M. Burns
Ultramarine by Malcolm Lowry
McGillivray—Lord of the Northwest by Marjorie Wilkins Campbell
Steinbeck by F. W. Watt
The Tiger of Canada West by W. H. Graham
Success of a Mission by Eric Koch and Vincent Tovell
The Man Hunters by Nansi Swayze
Famous Indians by Ethel Brant Monture
Canada: a Political and Social Hstory by Margaret Ormsby and Edgar McInnis
The Face of Canada by Various Authors
Canada on Stage by Stanley Richards
Dust Before the Wind by Robert Homan
A Painter’s Country by A. Y. Jackson