McGraw-Hill Ryerson Canada

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

John Coe's War by Clive Doucet
Bright Glass of Memory by Douglas Le Pan
The North Pole or Bust by Frank Rasky
Abra by Joan Barfoot
The Box Garden by Carol Shields
Small Ceremonies by Carol Shields
Robert Service by C. F. Klinck
The Intruders by Hugh Garner
Death in Don Mills by Hugh Garner
Gabriel by Harry Pollock
Mills of Canada by Carol Priamo
The Full Furnace by Douglas Lochhead
The Struggle Outside by Raymond Fraser
The Road to Yesterday by L. M. Montgomery
The Art of Alex Colville by Helen J. Dow
We, the Wilderness by Thomas York
The Arrow of Apollyon by Llew Devine
Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan