The Angel of My Tongue

I will lie
like dry sticks
in the sun
and befriend
the mouth of fire

I will be judged
by earth and wind
There will be serpent tongues

In the dry season
I will be afraid

The savanna must burn
Deer run
in the hot blast
Mice cower
in their tunnels
like brains

Hawk will follow the fireline

A snake will coil
strike my heart

Earth and wind
will consume the ash

my logic will begin
and the angel of my tongue speak

my hands will be the wind
and I will kiss
the mouth of fire
again and again

Questions and Answers

What inspired “The Angel of My Tongue”?

Divine inspiration and lust.

What poetic techniques did you use in “The Angel of My Tongue”?

Voice, line, internal rythmn, declaration, tense, image, metaphor, magic, realism, consumption.

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