V. G. Hopwood

Works by V. G. Hopwood

Book Reviews by V. G. Hopwood

The Then Great Amphitryon
By V. G. Hopwood
Published in Writers on the Prairies. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 17 (Summer 1963): 73-75.
  • McGillivray—Lord of the Northwest by Marjorie Wilkins Campbell
A Famous Exploration
By V. G. Hopwood
Published in Canadian Literature 6 (Autumn 1960): 81-84.
  • Letters and Journals, 1806-1809 by Simon Fraser and W. Kaye Lamb
Eat Well, or Nothing Will Come of it!
By V. G. Hopwood
Published in Canadian Literature 5 (Summer 1960): 84-85.
  • Sverdrup’s Arctic Adventures by T. C. Fairley