Terry Goldie

Works by Terry Goldie

Book ReviewsOpinionsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Terry Goldie

Men's Business
By Terry Goldie
Published in Canadian Literature 177 (Summer 2003): 123-125.
  • American Bodies: Cultural Histories of the Physique by Tim Armstrong (Editor)
  • Masculine Migrations: Reading the Postcolonial Male in New Canadian Narratives by Daniel Coleman
  • The Trials of Masculinity: Policing Sexual Boundaries, 1870-1930 by Angus McLaren
Playing With the Margins
By Terry Goldie
Published in On Thomas King. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 161-162 (Summer/Autumn 1999): 203-205.
  • Poor Superman by Brad Fraser
  • Sled by Judith Thompson
  • Fair Liberty's Call by Sharon Pollock
Writing the Homosexual
By Terry Goldie
Published in Gay and Lesbian Writing in Canadian Literature. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 159 (Winter 1998): 181-182.
  • A Magic Prison: Letters from Edward Lacey by David Helwig (Editor) and E. A. Lacey
  • The Time of the Kingfishers by David Watmough
Textual Replacing
By Terry Goldie
Published in Discourse in Early Canada. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 131 (Winter 1991): 202-204.
  • The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-colonial Literatures by Gareth Griffiths, Helen Tiffin and Bill Ashcroft
By Terry Goldie
Published in Shaping Texts. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 119 (Winter 1988): 128-131.
  • A Doctor's Calling by Morris Gibson
  • Shifting Gears: Technology, Literature, Culture in Modernist America by Ceclia Tichi
  • Victims: A Pound of Flesh by Shirley Shea
  • Actes: Premier Colloque de Bande Dessine?e de Montre?al by Christopher Redmond and André Carpentier
  • In Bed With Sherlock Holmes: Sexual Elements in Arthur Conan Doyle's Stories of the Great Detective by Christopher Redmond
  • The Progress of Romance: The Politics of Popular Fiction by Jean Radford
  • Canadian Sunset by David McFadden
  • Social Communication in Advertising by William Leiss, Stephen Kline and Sut Jhally
  • A Death for a Darling by E. X. Giroux
  • Illusions by Charlotte Vale Allen
Riffs of Criticism
By Terry Goldie
Published in Documenting the Landscape / Notes on Sinclair Ross. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 103 (Winter 1984): 146-149.
  • Invocations: The Poetry and Prose of Gwendolyn MacEwen by Jan Bartley (Author)
  • On F. R. Scott: Essays on His Contributions to Law, Literature, and Politics by R. St. J. MacDonald (Editor) and Sandra Djwa (Editor)
  • Tasks of Passion: Dennis Lee at Mid-Career by Russell Brown (Editor), Karen Mulhallen (Editor) and Donna Bennett (Editor)
On Competence
By Terry Goldie
Published in Personal Experience & the Creative Writer. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 101 (Summer 1984): 131-133.
  • Strike at Eldorado by Carl Horte (Author)
  • The Saga of Red Ryan and Other Tales of Violence from Canada's Past by Martin Robin (Author)
  • The Benefactor by George Woodcock (Author)
By Terry Goldie
Published in Fictional Patterns. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 99 (Winter 1983): 177-178.
  • Canadian Book Review Annual 1980 by Dean Tudor (Editor), Nancy Tudor (Editor) and Betsy Struthers (Editor)
  • The Fitzhenry & Whiteside Book of Quotations by Robert I. Fitzhenry (Editor)
A Dogma of Division
By Terry Goldie
Published in Contemporary Quebec Fiction. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 88 (Spring 1981): 133-136.
  • Violent Duality: A Study of Margaret Atwood by Sherrill Grace
Beast Play
By Terry Goldie
Published in B.C. Writers / Reviews Issue. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 102 (Autumn 1984): 64-66.
  • Anhaga by Jon Furberg
  • Beast Gate by E.D. Blodgett
Fantasy Four
By Terry Goldie
Published in Poetic Form. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 97 (Summer 1983): 104-107.
  • Skiamachia by Virgil Burnett
  • Dragonhunt by Frances Duncan
  • Years of Light: A Celebration of Leslie A. Croutch by John Robert Colombo
  • The King's Evil by David Helwig (Author)
A to The
By Terry Goldie
Published in Science & Literature. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 96 (Spring 1983): 153-155.
  • The Annotated Bibliography of Canada's Major Authors ABCMA by Robert Lecker and Jack David
  • A. J. M. Smith: An Annotated Bibliography by Michael E. Darling
For the Kick
By Terry Goldie
Published in Wilson, Laurence, Gallant, Glasco. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 93 (Summer 1982): 149-151.
  • Going for Coffee: Poetry on the Job by Tom Wayman (Author)
  • The Pulp Mill: An Anthology of Poems/Prince George, B.C. by Barry McKinnon
  • Late Romantics: A Collaborative Book of Poems by Stephen Luxton, Mark Teicher and Robert Allen
For Sheila Watson
By Terry Goldie
Published in The Art of Autobiography. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 90 (Autumn 1981): 145-147.
  • Figures in a Ground: Canadian Essays on Modern Literature Collected in Honor of Sheila Watson by David Jackel and Diane Bessai

Opinions by Terry Goldie