David Carpenter

Works by David Carpenter

Book ReviewsPoetryBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by David Carpenter

Rising Stars
By David Carpenter
Published in Discourse in Early Canada. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 131 (Winter 1991): 217-219.
  • Homesick by Guy Vanderhaeghe
  • Tall Lives by Bill Gaston
Writing Home
By David Carpenter
Published in The Languages of Poetry. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 129 (Summer 1991): 152-154.
  • The Lost Salt Gift of Blood: New & Selected Stories by Alistair Macleod
Conte & memoir
By David Carpenter
Published in Popular Culture. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 108 (Spring 1986): 166-169.
  • Fury by David Watmough
  • Selected Tales of Jacques Ferron by Jacques Ferron and Betty Bednarski
Form & Empathy
By David Carpenter
Published in Personal Experience & the Creative Writer. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 101 (Summer 1984): 115-117.
  • On the Line: Readings in the Short Fiction of Clark Blaise, John Metcalf and Hugh Hood by Robert Lecker
  • Man Descending by Guy Vanderhaeghe
Where Poetry Is
By David Carpenter
Published in The Moral Novel. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 80 (Spring 1979): 101-103.
  • Montreal English Poetry of the Seventies by Ken Norris (Editor) and Endre Farkas (Editor)
  • Number One Northern, Poetry From Saskatchewan by Thunder Creek Co-op

Poetry by David Carpenter