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Richard Stevenson

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Works by Richard Stevenson

Book ReviewsPoetryBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Richard Stevenson

Home Fires
By Richard Stevenson
Published in Strangers & Strange Voices. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 141 (Summer 1994): 118-119.
  • Burning the Dead by Kevin Irie
  • This Only Home by Dennis Cooley
  • New and Selected Poems by Michael Harris
Seven Voices
By Richard Stevenson
Published in Transcreations. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 135 (Winter 1992): 147-149.
  • Raking Zen Furrows by Inge Israel
  • Dog Star by Harold Enrico
  • Lights like a Summons by J. Michael Yates
In Voice
By Richard Stevenson
Published in Atwood, Carrier, Grandbois, Lowry. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 112 (Spring 1987): 167-169.
  • The Brave Never Write Poetry by Daniel Jones
  • Champ by Kay Burkman
  • Blue Riders by Laurence Hutchman (Author)
Process & Stasis
By Richard Stevenson
Published in Paradigms of Doubleness. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 104 (Spring 1985): 148-149.
  • Cicada Voices: Selected Haiku of Eric Amann (1966-1979) by George Swede
  • Night Tides by George Swede
  • Jack and Jill in Toronto by Jones
  • Movies: Left to Right by Robert Sward

Poetry by Richard Stevenson

Book Reviews of Richard Stevenson's Works

Neile Graham

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Works by Neile Graham

PoetryBook Reviews of Author

Poetry by Neile Graham

Book Reviews of Neile Graham's Works

Seven Robins
By Neile Graham
Reviewed in Ear & Eye by Smaro Kamboureli

Laurie McNeill

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Works by Laurie McNeill

ArticlesBook ReviewsBook Reviews of Author

Articles by Laurie McNeill

Book Reviews by Laurie McNeill

Diaries that Schmeck
By Laurie McNeill
Published in Canadian Literature 191 (Winter 2006): 163-165.
  • Must Write: Edna Staebler’s Diaries by Christl Verduyn (Editor)
  • Beyond Recall by Lise Weil (Editor) and Mary Meigs
Moral of the Life Story
By Laurie McNeill
Published in Canadian Literature 188 (Spring 2006): 159-161.
  • The Ethics of Life Writing by Paul John Eakin (Editor)
Private Lives of Girls and Women
By Laurie McNeill
Published in Writers Talking. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 183 (Winter 2004): 107-108.
  • Small Details of Life: Twenty Diaries by Women in Canada, 1830-1996 by Laurie McNeill and Kathryn Carter (Editor)
Context of Controversy
By Laurie McNeill
Published in Canadian Literature 180 (Spring 2004): 92-93.
  • The Rigoberta Menchu? Controversy by Arturo Arias (Editor)
Life Recordings
By Laurie McNeill
Published in Literature & War. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 179 (Winter 2003): 176-177.
  • Hanna's Diary, 1938-1941 by Hanna Spencer
  • She Left Nothing in Particular: The Autobiographical Legacy Nineteenth-Century Women's Diaries by Amy Wink
"Notes to Self"
By Laurie McNeill
Published in Archives and History. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 178 (Autumn 2003): 174-176.
  • Marian Engel's Notebooks: "Ah, mon cahier, e?coute" by Christl Verduyn (Editor)
  • Hobnobbing with a Countess and Other Okanagan Adventures: The Diaries of Alice Barrett Parke, 1891-1900 by Jo Fraser Jones (Editor)
Images of Selves
By Laurie McNeill
Published in Archives and History. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 178 (Autumn 2003): 146-147.
  • Suspended Conversations: The Afterlife of Memory in Photographic Albums by Martha Langford
  • The Mirror: A History by Sabine Melchior-Bonnet and Katherine H. Jewett (Translator)
Subjects of Empire
By Laurie McNeill
Published in Auto/biography. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 172 (Spring 2002): 201-203.
  • The Intimate Empire: Reading Women's Autobiography by Gillian Whitlock
Recovering Women's Lives
By Laurie McNeill
Published in Auto/biography. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 172 (Spring 2002): 149-151.
  • Working in Women's Archives: Researching Women's Private Literature and Archival Documents by Helen M. Buss (Editor) and Marlene Kadar (Editor)
  • The War Diary of Clare Gass by Susan Mann (Editor)
  • The Girl in the Picture by Denise Chong

Book Reviews of Laurie McNeill's Works

Fred Wah

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Works by Fred Wah

PoetryOpinionsBook ReviewsBook Reviews of Author

Poetry by Fred Wah

Opinions by Fred Wah

Book Reviews by Fred Wah

Book Reviews of Fred Wah's Works

Toward. Some. Air.
By Amy De'Ath and Fred Wah
Reviewed in Poetics, In Every Air by Michael Nardone
By Frank Davey and Fred Wah
Reviewed in First Byte by David Ingham
Loki is Buried at Smoky Creek
By Fred Wah and George Bowering
Reviewed in Poetry & Prose by Gary A. Boire
Colour. An Issue
By Roy Miki and Fred Wah
Reviewed in Babel from the Tower by Marilyn Iwama

Jesse Patrick Ferguson

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Works by Jesse Patrick Ferguson

Elana Wolff

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Works by Elana Wolff

Susan Ioannou

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Works by Susan Ioannou

Yvonne Trainer

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Works by Yvonne Trainer

Colin Morton

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Works by Colin Morton

PoetryBook Reviews of Author

Poetry by Colin Morton

Book Reviews of Colin Morton's Works

By Colin Morton, Susan McMaster, Nan Cormier, Claude Dupuis, Andrew McClure, David Parsons and Carol English
Reviewed in Inner Necessity by Sherrill Grace
Printed Matter
By Colin Morton
Reviewed in Free Words by Craig Tapping

Susan Andrews Grace

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Works by Susan Andrews Grace

PoetryBook Reviews of Author

Poetry by Susan Andrews Grace

Book Reviews of Susan Andrews Grace's Works

Flesh, A Naked Dress
By Susan Andrews Grace
Reviewed in Fear of Doorknobs by Anne F. Walker