Asian Canadian

  • Still Close to the Raven by Rienzi Crusz
  • Horizontal Hotel: A Nigerian Odyssey by Richard Stevenson
  • The Conception of Winter by Claire Harris

  • Nature and Identity in Canadian and Japanese Literature by Kinya Tsuruta and Theodore Goossen

  • The Blackbird’s Song – A Novel by Pauline Holdstock

  • Noman’s Land by Gwendolyn MacEwen
  • This Is My Own: Letters to Wes & Other Writings on Japanese Canadians 1941-1948 by Roy Miki

  • The Politics of Racism by Ann Gomer Sunahara
  • Obasan by Joy Kogawa

  • Lily in the Snow by Yan Li

  • Transnational Poetics: Asian Canadian Women’s Fiction of the 1990s by Pilar Cuder-Domínguez, Sonia Villegas-Lo?pez and Bele?n Marti?n-Lucas

  • The Better Mother by Jen Sookfong Lee
  • Beauty Plus Pity by Kevin Chong