
  • Autobiography of Childhood by Sina Queyras

  • Off to War by Deborah Ellis
  • Tell No One Who You Are by Walter Buchignani

  • Hello … Hello by Karen Hines
  • Birthright by Constance Lindsay Skinner and Joan Bryans
  • Enoch Arden in the Hope Shelter by Judith Thompson

  • Making Babies: Infants in Canadian Fiction by Sandra Sabatini

  • Growing Up: Childhood in English Canada from the Great War to the Age of Television by Neil Sutherland
  • Children in English Canadian Society: Framing the Twentieth Century Consensus by Neil Sutherland
  • Canadian Children’s Books: A Critical Guide to Authors and Illustrators by Raymond Jones and Jon Stott

  • The Centre of the World at the Edge of the Continent: Cultural Studies of Cape Breton Island by Carol Corbin and Judith A. Rolls
  • Children’s Voices in Atlantic Literature and Culture: Essays on Childhood by Hilary Thompson
  • The Last Best Place: Lost in the Heart of Nova Scotia by John DeMont