Indian/South Asian

  • The Holder of the World by Bharati Mukherjee
  • Van de Graff Days by Ven Begamudré

  • Orientalism and the Postcolonial Predicament: Perspectives on South Asia by Carol A. Breckenridge and Peter van der Veer
  • Place/Culture/Representation by James S. Duncan and David Ley

  • Maxine Hong Kingston Reading The Woman Warrior and China Men (excerpts) by Maxine Hong Kingston
  • An Interview with Maxine Hong Kingston by Maxine Hong Kingston
  • Bharati Mukherjee reads from her novel Jasmine and talks about India, Iowa and the American character by Bharati Mukherjee

  • Arctic Circle Songs by Robbie Newton Drummond
  • The Opium Eater and Other Stories by Iqbal Ahmad
  • Inventing the Hawk by Lorna Crozier

  • Healing the Dead by D. F. Bailey
  • The Lions by Paul S. Sunga

  • The Rules of Partial Existence by Judy Millar
  • Journey to India by Frank Thompson

  • Those Who Eat the Cascadura by Samuel Selvon
  • A Planet of Eccentrics by Ven Begamudré
  • Hanky-Panky by Robert Skelton