- Cultural Politics: Class, Gender, Race and the Postmodern World by and
- Engendering China: Women, Culture and the State by , , and
- Villages imaginaires: Edouard Montpetit, Jacques Verro?n et Jacques Poulin by
- The Quebec Anthology, 1830-1991 by and
- The Rose Garden: Reading Marcel Proust by
- Le père vaincu, la Méduse et les fils castrés by
- Oedipe à l’université ou les liaisons dangereuses entre professeurs d’université et étudiantes by
- Invisible Leviathan: The Marxist Critique of Market Despotism Beyond Postmodernism by
- Inventions of Difference: On Jacques Derrida by
- Historiographic Metafiction in Modern American and Canadian Literature by and
- Metafiction, Moving Pictures, Moving Histories: Der historische Roman in der Literatur der amerikanischen Postmoderne by
- The Writing on the Wall: Women’s Autobiography and the Asylum by
- The Intimate Critique: Autobiographical Literary Criticism by , and
- Autobiography & Postmodernism by , and
- Shattered Selves: Multiple Personality in a Postmodern World by
- Double Reading: Postmodernism after Deconstruction by