Theatre History

  • The Decline of the Hollywood Empire by Hervé Fischer and Rhonda Mullins
  • Broadway North: The Dream of a Canadian Musical Theatre by Mel Atkey
  • Once Upon a Time in Bollywood by Jolly Gurbir, Zenia Wadhwani and Deborah Barretto

  • At the Zenith of the Empire by Stewart Lemoine
  • Omniscience by Tim Carlson
  • Lifedream by Herménégilde Chiasson and Jo-Anne Elder

  • Theatre in British Columbia by Ginny Ratsoy

  • Spectacle of Empire: Marc Lescarbot’s Theatre of Neptune in New France by Jerry Wasserman

  • Fallen Empires: Lost Theatres of Edmonton, 1881- 1914 by John Orrell

  • Feminist Theatre and Performance by Susan Bennett

  • The Baron Bold and the Beauteous Maid: A Compact History of Canadian Theatre by Brian Kennedy
  • Nextfest Anthology II: Plays from the Syncrude Next Generation Arts Festival by Steve Pirot

  • Judith Thompson: Critical Perspectives on Canadian Theatre. Volume Three by Ric Knowles

  • Théâtre comique de Régis Roy (1864-1944) by Mariel O’Neill-Karch and Pierre Paul Karch
  • E?pinal by Robert Marinier
  • La Meute by Esther Beauchemin
  • Le Christ est apparu au Gun Club by Herménégilde Chiasson