Theatre History

  • Once Upon a Time in Paradise: Canadians in the Golden Age of Hollywood by Charles Foster
  • The American Musical: History & Development by Peter H. Riddle

  • Shakespeare and Canada: Essays on Production, Translation, and Adaptation by Ric Knowles
  • Free Will by Harold Rhenisch
  • Shakespeare’s Dog by Leon Rooke

  • Maiden Voyages: Ship’s Company Theatre Premieres 2000–2002 by Scott Burke

  • 7 Cannons by Martin Bragg, Per Brask and Roy Surette
  • From Fire to Flood: A History of Theatre in Manitoba by Kevin Longfield

  • Strategies: The Business of Being a Playwright in Canada by Caroline Russell-King and Rose Scollard
  • Questionable Activities: The Best by Judith Rudakoff

  • Modern Canadian Drama by Jerry Wasserman

  • Les théâtres professionels du Canada francophone by Hélène Beauchamp and Joël Beddows
  • Gratien Gélinas. Du naïf Fridolin à l’ombrageux Tit-Coq by Anne-Marie Sicotte
  • Rêves by Wajdi Mouawad
  • Jean et Béatrice by Carole Fréchette