Women's Literature

  • The Small Room at the Top of the Stairs/Thinking of Yu by Carole Fréchette
  • Penny Plain by Ronnie Burkett
  • Maggie and Pierre & The Duchess by Linda Griffiths

  • The Domestic Space Reader by Chiara Briganti and Kathy Mezei
  • Garden Plots: Canadian Women Writers and Their Literary Gardens by Shelley Boyd

  • The Book of Esther by Leanna Brodie
  • Blue Box by Carmen Aguirre

  • Histoire littéraire des femmes : cas et enjeux by Chantal Savoie

  • The Hidden Thing by Dora Dueck
  • The Octave of All Souls by Robert Eady
  • The Practice of Perfection by Mary Frances Coady

  • Collected Short Stories of Isabella Valancy Crawford by Michael Peterman and Len Early
  • The Writings of David Thompson, Volume 1 by William E. Moreau and David Thompson

  • A Thousand Shades of Blue by Robin Stevenson
  • Post by Arley McNeney
  • Checkout Girl by Susan Zettell