Women's Studies

  • The Woods: A Year on Protection Island by Amber McMillan
  • Westerns: A Women’s History by Victoria Lamont

  • Mothers, Mothering and Sex Work by Rebecca Bromwich and Monique Marie DeJong

  • In the Interval of the Wave: Prince Edward Island Women’s Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Life Writing by Mary McDonald-Rissanen
  • Beyond the Journey: Women’s Stories of Settlement and Community Building in Canada by Althea Prince

  • The Small Room at the Top of the Stairs/Thinking of Yu by Carole Fréchette
  • Penny Plain by Ronnie Burkett
  • Maggie and Pierre & The Duchess by Linda Griffiths

  • The Domestic Space Reader by Chiara Briganti and Kathy Mezei
  • Garden Plots: Canadian Women Writers and Their Literary Gardens by Shelley Boyd

  • Histoire littéraire des femmes : cas et enjeux by Chantal Savoie

  • Wider Boundaries of Daring: The Modernist Impulse in Canadian Women’s Poetry by Barbara Thomson Godard and Di Brandt
  • My Beloved Wager: Essays from a Writing Practice by Smaro Kamboureli and Erín Mouré

  • The Gendered Screen: Canadian Women Filmmakers by George Melnyk and Brenda Austin-Smith