Young Adult

  • Ann Hébert, parcours d’une œuvre by Madeleine Ducrocq-Poirier
  • La littérature québécoise du XXe siècle by Luc Bouvier and Max Roy

  • The Accidental Orphan by Constance Horne
  • The Doctor’s Apprentice by Ann Walsh
  • The Brideship by Joan Weir

  • The Gambler’s Daughter by Shirlee Smith Matheson
  • Draugr by Arthur G. Slade
  • Under Emily’s Sky by Ann Alma

  • Alphabet Soup: A Novel for Young Adults by Kerry Rauch
  • Three Against Time by Margaret Taylor
  • A Fly Named Alfred by Don Trembath

  • If It Rains again Tomorrow, Can We Go Home? by Frank O’Keefe
  • The Secret under the Whirlpool by Elaine Breault Hammond
  • Rebellion: A Novel of Upper Canada by Marianne Brandis

  • Taking the Stage: : Selections from Plays by Canadian Women by Cynthia Zimmerman
  • The Hope Slide/Little Sister by Joan MacLeod

  • Lisa by Carol Matas
  • The Lost Locket by Carol Matas
  • Sworn Enemies by Carol Matas
  • Eleanora’s Diary by Caroline Parry
  • Trouble on Wheels by Ann Aveling
  • Just Call Me BOOM BOOM by Martin Godfrey

  • Pioneering Women: Short Stories by Canadian Women (Beginnings to1880) by Lorraine McMullen and Sandra Campbell
  • Aspiring Women: Short Stories by Canadian Women (1880-1900) by Lorraine McMullen and Sandra Campbell
  • New Women: Short Stories By Canadian Women (1900-1920) by Sandra Campbell and Lorraine Campbell

  • Blow up the Trumpet in the New Moon by Douglas How
  • Summer’s Idyll by Don Gutteridge