Educating Readers
January 29, 2015
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Similar Reviews
- Re-Inventing the Real by Laurie Kruk
A Fine Daughter by Catherine Simmons Niven The Plight of Happy People in an Ordinary World by Natalee Caple We Could Stay Here All Night by Debbie Howlett The Tracey Fragments by Maureen Medved
- Nation/Transnation by Guy Beauregard
The Americas of Asian American Literature: Gendered Fictions of Nation and Transnation by Rachel C. Lee Scandalous Bodies: Diasporic Literature in English Canada by Smaro Kamboureli
- Queer Retrospectives by Moynan King
Queer Theatre in Canada by Rosalind Kerr This One’s Going to Last Forever by Nairne Holtz Outspoken: A Canadian Collection of Lesbian Scenes and Monologues by Susan G. Cole
- Diasporic Imaginaries by Donna McCormack
Transnational Poetics: Asian Canadian Women’s Fiction of the 1990s by Pilar Cuder-Domínguez, Sonia Villegas-Lo?pez and Bele?n Marti?n-Lucas
- Strangers and Strange Lands by Alana Fletcher
This Place A Stranger: Canadian Women Travelling Alone by Vici Johnstone Changing Places: Feminist Essays on Empathy and Relocation by Valerie Burton and Jean Guthrie