If I Poked this Air

If I poked this air
with my finger
almost visible to the eye
might spread like a pillow
under a royal head

Stars might slip
out of fixed positions
and fall
into my brain’s cup,
gathering there like secrets

And I might keep
for a few
endless distances away
who leaned at windows
and wondered,
word of fortune, news of love

Questions and Answers

What inspired “If I Poked this Air”?

I wrote “If I Poked This Air” when I was in grade eight—so this is the work of a young teenager. If I remember, I jotted it down a few minutes before I fell asleep one night. I’d say it’s inspired by that half awake, half asleep state.

What poetic techniques did you use in “If I Poked this Air”?

I think here I was trying to write in a very simple, quietly lyrical style.

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