(i come out of sleep water come from the river surging
surfacing unclean):
that river full of sleep sweat now i must wash in reality birds
administer their beaks their backs tender but trivial this (day is)
a shower on me flirting burning i turn down the tapping water foam
of my palm pecked at delinquent short-lived quick-pick dissipation
a puncture mark
or the drain going down
slurping & stertorous &
density (as such) abbreviates what matted
her tongue aslant & sinuous chute
brinks rig bid difficult (a day)
fulsome & thoughtfulsome
(if knowing could be daubing resinous fog substance:
his breakfast of bactroban his knife in bees’ bactroban
first grey then sweet):
unformed of thought (you me) the antipodes of a table
…implacably tectonic (contemplative
with tilt in a year or two are stranger to
each other (confounding factors: controlled for)
(the trace of traffic: controlled for)