Pls Be Honest


m: i love you less than break slash greater than
y: dont know what to say about your command
m: i love you less than break slash greater than
y: sorry, im not rich $_$ clearly ill try someday
m: i love you less than break slash greater than
y: don’t repeat won’t be able to know your face
m: i love you less than break slash greater than
y: repeating is not a matter of simply repeating
m: i love you less than break slash greater than
y: i want a hilarious lil’ bot for my tad troubles
m: i love you less than break slash greater than
y: i stopped repeating here’s 5 free things to try


This poem “Pls Be Honest” originally appeared in Queer Frontiers. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 224 (Spring 2015): 46.

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