The Beauty of Rage

Let my rage be my guiding light

Let it call forth the flaming red fury
of the disappearing skies

Let it unsettle the tranquil blue waters
as it divides again the timid shores

Let it break the earth
so as to cause the green terrain to crumble to pieces

Only when those colors escape to unite
would my rage cease to exist

Questions and Answers

Is there a specific moment that inspired you to pursue poetry?

Yes, when I read a poem by John Donne called “The Sun Rising” in grade eight. It was about two lovers in bed as the sun was rising and disturbing their rest. In that moment I felt a sense of peace for the lovers, but felt extreme anger against nature for trying to take away a moment of happiness bestowed upon humanity. This began my interest in poetry and trying to understand the nature of God, love, humanity and beauty.

How/where do you find inspiration today?

Since I live in beautiful British Columbia, I find my inspiration in my surroundings when I take a walk or hike in our national parks and city parks.

What inspired or motivated you to write the poem?

I wrote the poem after a break-up with someone I was in love with in my twenties. I wanted to heal and by writing this poem I felt I needed to tell myself that it was okay to be angry because there is beauty in having anger just like any other form of emotion.

What did you find particularly challenging in writing the poem?

What I found particularly challenging in writing the poem was trying to express myself in five sentences. I love color, beauty, and nature and wanted all these elements to be reflected in my poem.

This poem “The Beauty of Rage” originally appeared in Returns Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 243 (2020): 14.

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