The Genderless Space: Masculinity, Indigenous Poetics, and Becoming


To honour Sumac’s contributions to both Indigenous literary and masculinities studies, I invited the author to participate in an interview via Zoom on August 27, 2020, which I initially intended to use in the classroom and perhaps to share with other collaborators in the field. The resulting interview, however, proved worthy of disseminating more broadly, and we decided to have the conversation edited into a one-hour video (produced by Robyn Carruthers and available on the Canadian Literature website) and transcribed for publication in the present form. Both participants have had the opportunity to edit our contributions for clarity and concision. We have sought to retain the conversational tone of the original dialogue between two long-time colleagues and friends.

This article “The Genderless Space: Masculinity, Indigenous Poetics, and Becoming” originally appeared in Canadian Literature 250 (2022): 32-55.

Please note that works on the Canadian Literature website may not be the final versions as they appear in the journal, as additional editing may take place between the web and print versions. If you are quoting reviews, articles, and/or poems from the Canadian Literature website, please indicate the date of access.