Wind Chimes

Wind chimes
vibrate to sunset colours
over cookie cutter homes
tinkling through
flower planters
along walkways
vegetable gardens
bathed in cold water
their fill for the day

Wind chimes
vibrate to sunset colours
over cookie cutter homes
their tinkling persists
as winds get stronger
minds taken off COVID-19
eight weeks in captivity
seems like eternity
unable to wrestle its
strength, might
this virus
snatches our breath
breaks it into pieces

How many more
laid to rest
before it shrivels,

Spring has come
and gone
slight heat of the summer
is upon us
no signs of a let up

Wind chimes
vibrate to sunset colours
over cookie cutter homes

Questions and Answers

How/where do you find inspiration today?

I am very much inspired by news stories from around the world. I am after all a journalist and very much a news junkie. Since January 2020, the COVID-19 news stories have consumed us and made us think of our limitations. They have taught us to not take life for granted. Most of us have been feeling entrapped, isolated, and held captive by this little invisible thing called the COVID-19 virus.

Do you use any resources that a young poet would find useful (e.g. books, films, art, websites, etc.)?

No. I don’t. My poems come from the heart. I observe, I feel, and I write.

What inspired or motivated you to write this poem?

The COVID-19 virus motivated me to write many poems and short stories. These centre around how alone we are. We never thought this day would come but it is here and we have to make the best of the situation. This poem was inspired by the sunset—while sitting on the porch, not a soul in sight in the neighborhood, and viewing the lovely sunset gradually fade away.

What poetic techniques did you use in this poem? How much attention do you pay to form and metre?

I don’t use any techniques. Poetry is all about feelings. I find form and metre are very restrictive. I prefer that words just flow out of my being and make their place on paper.

This poem “Wind Chimes” originally appeared in Returns Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 243 (2020): 59-60.

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