Aaron Giovannone

Works by Aaron Giovannone

Book ReviewsPoetryBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Aaron Giovannone

Words and Worlds
By Aaron Giovannone
Published in Mordecai Richler. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 207 (Winter 2010): 148-149.
  • After the 6ix O'Clock News by Kemeny Babineau
  • Imaginary Maps by Darrell Epp
  • Other People's Lives by Chris Hutchinson (Author)
  • Passenger Flight by Brian Campbell
Language Movements
By Aaron Giovannone
Published in Canadian Literature 206 (Autumn 2010): 180-181.
  • Rental Van by Clint Burnham
  • yes / no by Dennis Lee
  • Expressway by Sina Queyras
  • Mosaic Orpheus by Peter Dale Scott
A Walking Review
By Aaron Giovannone
Published in Disappearance and Mobility. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 201 (Summer 2009): 189-191.
  • Late Nights With Wild Cowboys by Johanna Skibsrud
  • Cypress by Barbara Klar
  • Nightmarker by Meredith Quartermain
  • Borrowed Rooms by Barbara Pelman
What Poetry Does
By Aaron Giovannone
Published in Asian Canadian Studies Spec issue of Canadian Literature 199 (Winter 2008): 221-223.
  • Forage by Rita Wong
  • Muybridge's Horse by Rob Winger
  • Municipal Mind: Manifestos for the Creative City by Pier Giorgio Di Cicco

Poetry by Aaron Giovannone