Ajay Heble

Works by Ajay Heble

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Ajay Heble

Postcolonial Challenges
By Ajay Heble
Published in Archives and History. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 178 (Autumn 2003): 94-95.
  • Edward Said and the Work of the Critic by Paul A. Bové (Editor)
  • The Pre-Occupation of Postcolonial Studies by Fawzia Afzal-Khan (Editor) and Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks (Editor)
Muddy Histories
By Ajay Heble
Published in Canadian Literature 164 (Spring 2000): 158-160.
  • The Projectionist by Michael Helm
  • Laterna Magika by Ven Begamudré

Articles by Ajay Heble