Alessandra Capperdoni

Works by Alessandra Capperdoni

Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Alessandra Capperdoni

Long Poems, Serial Poems: On Writing Writing
By Alessandra Capperdoni
Published in Emerging Scholars, Redux Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 242 (2020): 154-156.
  • Taking Measures: Selected Serial Poems by George Bowering and Stephen Collis (Editor)
Avant, Again
By Alessandra Capperdoni
Published in Recursive Time. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 222 (Autumn 2014): 125-27.
  • Avant-Garde Canadian Literature: The Early Manifestations by Gregory Betts
  • Stubborn Poetries: Poetic Facticity and the Avant-Garde by Peter Quartermain
Getting High on Writing
By Alessandra Capperdoni
Published in Canadian Literature 216 (Spring 2013): 150-51.
  • How I Wrote Certain of My Books by George Bowering
  • Horizontal Surfaces by George Bowering
Critical Dis/Orientations
By Alessandra Capperdoni
Published in Gendering the Archive. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 217 (Summer 2013): 140-42.
  • Directions Home: Approaches to African-Canadian Literature by George Elliott Clarke