Catherine Rainwater

Works by Catherine Rainwater

Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Catherine Rainwater

No Clean White Sheet
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in web format on Canadian Literature‘s website. (Pending print publication.)
  • It Was Dark There All the Time: Sophia Burthen and the Legacy of Slavery in Canada by Andrew Hunter (Author)
  • Royally Wronged: The Royal Society of Canada and Indigenous Peoples by Constance Backhouse (Editor), Cynthia E. Milton (Editor), Margaret Kovach (Editor) and Adele Perry (Editor)
A Purpose for Every Time
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Sensing Different Worlds Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 244 (2021): 176-177.
  • Nature's Broken Clocks: Reimagining Time in the Face of Environmental Crisis by Paul Huebener
Sudden Flashes of Light
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Rescaling CanLit: Global Readings Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 238 (2019): 167-168.
  • Y: Oppenheimer, Horseman of Los Alamos by Aaron Tucker
  • Dazzle Patterns by Alison Watt
It's Metaphors All the Way Down
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Indigenous Literature and the Arts of Comunity. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 230-231 (Autumn/Winter 2016): 262-263.
  • Missing Link: The Evolution of Metaphor and the Metaphor of Evolution by Jeffery Donaldson
  • What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions? by Vinciane Despret and Brett Buchanan (Translator)
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Radio, Film, and Fiction. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 225 (Summer 2015): 122-124.
  • Thunderbird Poems by Armand Garnet Ruffo
  • Chi-mewinzha: Ojibwe Stories from Leech Lake by Dorothy Dora Whipple, Wendy Makoons Geniusz (Editor), Brendan Fairbanks (Editor) and Annmarie Geniusz (Illustrator)
  • Peace Pipe Dreams: The Truth about Lies about Indians by Darrell Dennis
  • The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation by George Copway
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Letters & Other Connections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 134 (Autumn 1992): 132-133.
  • Comparative American Identities: Race, Sex, and Nationality in the Modern Text by Hortense Spillers (Editor)
  • Contemporary Challenges: Conversations with Canadian Native Authors by Hartmut Lutz
'Ca Nada, 'Ca Mucho
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Transcreations. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 135 (Winter 1992): 135-137.
  • Our Bit of Truth: An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature by Agnes Grant (Editor)
  • The Invention of Canada: Literary Text and the Immigrant Imagination by Arnold Harrichand Itwaru
Liminal Voices
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in First Nations Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 167 (Winter 2000): 121-123.
  • Feminist Readings of Native American Literature: Coming to Voice by Kathleen M. Donovan
  • Bloodlines: Odyssey of a Native Daughter by Janet Campbell Hale
Identity and Difference
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in On Thomas King. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 161-162 (Summer/Autumn 1999): 220-222.
  • Women Reading, Women Writing: Self-Invention in Paula Gunn Allen, Gloria Anzaldu?a, and Audre Lorde by Ana Louise Keating
  • Critical Perspectives on Native American Fiction by Richard F. Fleck (Editor)
The Soul of the World
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in On Thomas King. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 161-162 (Summer/Autumn 1999): 197-198.
  • Earth's Mind: Essays in Native Literature by Roger Dunsmore
  • Reinventing the Enemy's Language: Contemporary Native Women's Writings of North by Joy Harjo (Editor) and Gloria Bird (Editor)
Living as Spirits
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Canadian Literature 156 (Spring 1998): 113-114.
  • Chiwid by Sage Birchwater
  • Big Bear (Mistahimusqua): A Biography by J. R. Miller
  • Gatherings Vol. VI: The En'owkin Journal of First North American Peoples by Don Fiddler (Editor) and Linda Jaine (Editor)
Enormous Verbs
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Remembering the Sixties. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 152-153 (Spring/Summer 1997): 241-242.
  • North Spirit: Travels Among the Cree and Ojibway Nations and Their Star Maps by Paulette Jiles
Wood Speaks, Stone Dances
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Urquhart and Munro. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 150 (Autumn 1996): 182-183.
  • Spirit Faces: Contemporary Masks of the Northwest Coast by Gary Wyatt
  • Eagle Transforming: The Art of Robert Davidson by Ulli Steltzer and Robert Davidson
  • Inuit Women Artists: Voices from Cape Dorset by Odette Leroux (Editor) and et al.
Negotiating Cultural Boundaries
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Postcolonial Identities. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 149 (Summer 1996): 170-172.
  • One Good Story, That One by Thomas King
  • The Native Creative Press by Douglas Cardinal and Jeannette C. Armstrong
The Road to Wholeness
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in DeMille’s Utopian Fantasy. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 145 (Summer 1995): 142-144.
  • Food & Spirits by Beth Brant
  • The Gathering: Stones for the Medicine Wheel by Gregory Scofield
Guided Fantasies
By Catherine Rainwater
Published in Female Subjects & Male Plots. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 137 (Summer 1993): 115-116.
  • Keepers of the Animals: Native Stories and Wildlife Activities for Children by Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac
  • In Celebration of Our Survival: The First Nations of British Columbia by Doreen Jansen and Cheryl Brooks