Elizabeth Waterston

Works by Elizabeth Waterston

Book Reviews by Elizabeth Waterston

Heart Strings
By Elizabeth Waterston
Published in Poets’ Words. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 115 (Winter 1987): 155-157.
  • Sentimental Journey: An Oral History of Train Travel in Canada by Ted Ferguson
  • None of the Roads Were Paved by Robert H. Hahn
Victorian Sketches
By Elizabeth Waterston
Published in Personal Experience & the Creative Writer. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 101 (Summer 1984): 165-166.
  • The Prose of Life: Sketches from Victorian Canada by Kathy Mezei (Editor) and Carole Gerson (Editor)
By Elizabeth Waterston
Published in Science & Literature. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 96 (Spring 1983): 105-107.
  • Civilizing the West: The Galts and the Development of Western Canada by A. A. den Otter
A Small Mercy
By Elizabeth Waterston
Published in Fifteenth Anniversary Issue. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 61 (Summer 1974): 111-113.
  • Selected Stories of Duncan Campbell Scott by Glen Clever (Editor)
New-Found Eyes
By Elizabeth Waterston
Published in National Origins. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 52 (Spring 1972): 102-105.
  • Nail Polish by Irving Layton (Author)