Geordie Miller

Works by Geordie Miller

Book ReviewsArticles

Book Reviews by Geordie Miller

Dissembling Resemblance
By Geordie Miller
Published in Canadian Literature: 252 Canadian Literature (2023): 193-194.
  • Life Is Like Canadian Football and Other Authentic Folk Songs by Henry Adam Svec
  • Disintegration in Four Parts by Jean-March Ah-Sen (Author), Emily Anglin (Author), Devon Code (Author) and Lee Henderson (Author)
What Kind of Debut Are You
By Geordie Miller
Published in 60th Anniversary Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 239 (2019): 147-148.
  • Everyone Rides the Bus in a City of Losers by Jason Freure
  • What Kind of Man Are You by Degan Davis
Nostalgia Novels
By Geordie Miller
Published in Rescaling CanLit: Global Readings Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 238 (2019): 118-119.
  • Marry, Bang, Kill by Andrew Battershill
  • 1979 by Ray Robertson
Then as Now
By Geordie Miller
Published in Concepts of Vancouver: Poetics, Art, Media Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 235 (Winter 2017): 128-129.
  • The Essential John Reibetanz by John Reibetanz and Jeffrey Donaldson (Editor)
  • Space Between Her Lips: The Poetry of Margaret Christakos by Margaret Christakos and Gregory Betts (Editor)
  • Certain Details: The Poetry of Nelson Ball by Nelson Ball and Stuart Ross (Editor)

Articles by Geordie Miller