George Parker

Works by George Parker

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by George Parker

Reviewing the Reviewer
By George Parker
Published in Canadian Literature 164 (Spring 2000): 164-166.
  • Ripostes: Reflections on Canadian Literature by Philip Marchand
Accuracy & Profit
By George Parker
Published in Background, Foreground. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 127 (Winter 1990): 152-153.
  • The Letters of Thomas Chandler Haliburton by Richard A. Davies (Editor)
By George Parker
Published in Magic & Other Realisms. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 116 (Spring 1988): 115-116.
  • A Bibliography of Macmillan of Canada Imprints 1906-1980 by Bruce Whiteman, Charlotte Stewart and Catherine Funnell
By George Parker
Published in Psychological Fictions: Myth, Carr, Lowry. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 84 (Spring 1980): 93-95.
  • Fun Tomorrow: Learning to be a Publisher, and Much Else by John Morgan Gray

Articles by George Parker