Guy Beauregard

Guy Beauregard is a Professor at National Taiwan University and an Associate Member of Simon Fraser University’s Institute for Transpacific Cultural Research. His work over the past decade has appeared in Amerasia Journal, Canadian Literature, Concentric, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Studies in Canadian Literature, Tamkang Review, and West Coast Line. Most recently, he has co-edited The Subject(s) of Human Rights: Crises, Violations, and Asian/American Critique (Temple UP, 2020).

Works by Guy Beauregard

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Guy Beauregard

(Im)possible Redress
By Guy Beauregard
Published in House, Home, Hospitality Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 237 (2019): 158-160.
  • Cold War Ruins: Transpacific Critique of American Justice and Japanese War Crimes by Lisa Yoneyama
  • Shadows of the Crimson Sun: One Man's Life in Manchuria, Taiwan, and North America by Julia Lin
Imagining the Pacific
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Asian Canadian Critique Beyond the Nation. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 227 (Winter 2015): 137-38.
  • The Emperor of Any Place by Tim Wynne-Jones (Author)
  • A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth L. Ozeki (Author)
Re: Composing Biotexts
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Visual/Textual Intersections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 194 (Autumn 2007): 175-177.PDF Available
  • Writing the Roaming Subject: The Biotext in Canadian Literature by Joanne Saul
  • Diamond Grill by Fred Wah
The Gift of Redress
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Canadian Literature 188 (Spring 2006): 178-179.
  • Redress: Inside the Japanese Canadian Call for Justice by Roy Miki
A Glimpse of Something
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Canadian Literature 181 (Summer 2004): 149-150.
  • Salt Fish Girl by Larissa Lai
Postcolonial Futures
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Canadian Literature 180 (Spring 2004): 93-95.
  • Post-Colonial Transformation by Bill Ashcroft
  • The Quest for Postcolonial Utopia: A Comparative Introduction to the Utopian Novel in the New English Literatures by Ralph Pordzik
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Canadian Literature 169 (Summer 2001): 144-147.
  • The Americas of Asian American Literature: Gendered Fictions of Nation and Transnation by Rachel C. Lee
  • Scandalous Bodies: Diasporic Literature in English Canada by Smaro Kamboureli
Coarse Comparisons
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Canadian Literature 160 (Spring 1999): 148-150.
  • Nationalism and Literature: The Politics of Culture in Canada and the United States by Sarah M. Corse
Dance of Difference?
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Canadian Literature 156 (Spring 1998): 139-141.
  • Writing Ethnicity: Cross-Cultural Consciousness in Canadian and Que?be?cois Literature by Winfried Siemerling (Editor)
  • Idols of Otherness: The Rhetoric and Reality of Multiculturalism by Evelyn J. Hinz (Editor)
Myths of History
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Canadian Literature 154 (Autumn 1997): 162-164.
  • Turning Japanese: Memoirs of a Sansei by David Mura
  • Typical American by Gish Jen
  • The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy
  • When Fox is a Thousand by Larissa Lai
Making Bread out of Stone
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Urquhart and Munro. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 150 (Autumn 1996): 113-114.
  • Grammar of Dissent by Carol Morrell (Editor)
  • Bread out of Stone by Dionne Brand
Stones and Expatriates
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Marx & Later Dialectics. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 147 (Winter 1995): 139-141.
  • Stones of the Dalai Lama by Ken Mitchell
  • Poor Player by Lesley Krueger
The Remains of Identity
By Guy Beauregard
Published in Gendering the Archive. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 217 (Summer 2013): 137-40.
  • Entanglements, or Transmedial Thinking about Capture by Rey Chow
  • The Semblance of Identity: Aesthetic Mediation in Asian American Literature by Christopher Lee

Articles by Guy Beauregard