Joel Martineau

Works by Joel Martineau

Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Joel Martineau

Writing Regions
By Joel Martineau
Published in Emerging Scholars 2. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 228-229 (Spring/Summer 2016): 232-234.
  • The Shadows We Mistake for Love by Tom Wayman
  • Long Change by Don Gillmor
  • Writing the Okanagan by George Bowering
Two Vancouver Writers
By Joel Martineau
Published in Radio, Film, and Fiction. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 225 (Summer 2015): 155-156.
  • Last of the Independents: Vancouver Noir by Sam Wiebe
  • The Wintermen by Brit Griffin
Narrating BC
By Joel Martineau
Published in First Nations Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 167 (Winter 2000): 144-147.
  • West by Northwest: British Columbia Short Stories by David Stouck (Editor) and Myler Wilkinson (Editor)
  • Wilderness Beginnings by Rose Hertel Falkenhagen
  • Talk and Log: Wilderness Politics in British Columbia, 1965-96 by Jeremy Wilson
Death on the BC Coast
By Joel Martineau
Published in Canadian Literature 160 (Spring 1999): 163-166.
  • Moonrakers by Beth Hill
  • Dangerous Waters: Wrecks and Rescues off the Coast by Keith Keller
  • On Coasts of Eternity: Jack Hodgins' Fictional Universe by J. R. Struthers (Editor)
Crime Pays
By Joel Martineau
Published in Of Borders and Bioregions. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 218 (Autumn 2013): 164-66.
  • The Wild Beasts of Wuhan by Ian Hamilton
  • The Disciple of Las Vegas by Ian Hamilton
  • The Red Pole of Macau by Ian Hamilton
  • The Water Rat of Wanchai by Ian Hamilton
The Good, the Bland, the Quirky
By Joel Martineau
Published in Canadian Literature 216 (Spring 2013): 151-52.
  • All Those Drawn to Me by Christian Petersen
  • Two O’Clock Creek: Poems New and Selected by Bruce Hunter
  • Tenderman by Tim Bowling
Picturing BC Landscapes
By Joel Martineau
Published in Canadian Literature 160 (Spring 1999): 179-181.
  • The Sunshine Coast: From Gibsons to Powell River by Howard White
  • Haida Gwaii: Journeys Through the Queen Charlotte Islands by Ian Gill
  • This Ragged Place: Travels Across the Landscape by Terry Glavin