Kathryn Carter

Works by Kathryn Carter

Book ReviewsBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Kathryn Carter

Seriously Taken
By Kathryn Carter
Published in Prison Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 208 (Spring 2011): 141-143.
  • Down the Road to Eternity by M.A.C. Farrant
  • The English Stories by Cynthia Flood (Author)
  • Loose Pearls by D.C. Troicuk
  • Welcome to Canada by David Carpenter (Author)
Short Simplicities
By Kathryn Carter
Published in Mordecai Richler. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 207 (Winter 2010): 169-170.
  • Truth and Other Fictions by Eva Tihanyi
  • Fragments of the World by Hélène Rioux
  • Vanishing and Other Stories by Deborah Willis
Mid-Century Memories
By Kathryn Carter
Published in Mordecai Richler. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 207 (Winter 2010): 149-150.
  • A Life Consumed by Diane Sims
  • Broad is the Way by Margaret Norquay
  • Mud Sweat and Tears by Bud Ings
Intimate Details
By Kathryn Carter
Published in Context(e)s. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 195 (Winter 2007): 188-190.
  • One Foot in Heaven by David Waltner-Toews
  • Lines of Truth and Conversation by Joan Alexander
Inscapes of Loss and Love
By Kathryn Carter
Published in Canadian Literature 188 (Spring 2006): 126-127.
  • Roads Unravelling by Kathy-Diane Leveille
  • Among the Saints by Donna Smyth
  • Residual Desire by J. Jill Robinson
Dark Poems for Bedtime
By Kathryn Carter
Published in Writers Talking. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 183 (Winter 2004): 147-149.
  • But If They Do by Bill Richardson
  • Daybreak, Nightfall by Jorge Lujáán
  • Trees Are Hanging From the Sky by Jorge Argueta
Resignation or Wonder
By Kathryn Carter
Published in Canadian Literature 214 (Autumn 2012): 174-75.
  • The End of the Ice Age by Terence Young (Author)
  • Light Lifting by Alexander MacLeod (Author)

Book Reviews of Kathryn Carter's Works