Linda Hutcheon

Works by Linda Hutcheon

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Linda Hutcheon

Murder & Lies
By Linda Hutcheon
Published in Poets’ Words. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 115 (Winter 1987): 225-227.
  • A Single Death by Eric Wright
  • The Telling of Lies: A Mystery by Timothy Findley
By Linda Hutcheon
Published in Popular Culture. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 108 (Spring 1986): 159-160.
  • Italia Perversa by Richard Appignanesi
Politics & Culture
By Linda Hutcheon
Published in The Making of Modern Poetry. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 87 (Winter 1980): 145-150.
  • Poésie des fontières: etude comparee des poesies canadienne et quebecoise by Clément Moisan
  • Le territoire imaginaire de la culture by Michel Morin and Claude Bertrand
  • Parti Pris: ideologies et litterature by Robert Major

Articles by Linda Hutcheon