Lorna Marie Irvine

Works by Lorna Marie Irvine

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Lorna Marie Irvine

Windows on the Past
By Lorna Marie Irvine
Published in Marx & Later Dialectics. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 147 (Winter 1995): 164-167.
  • Pioneering Women: Short Stories by Canadian Women (Beginnings to1880) by Lorraine McMullen (Editor) and Sandra Campbell (Editor)
  • Aspiring Women: Short Stories by Canadian Women (1880-1900) by Lorraine McMullen (Editor) and Sandra Campbell (Editor)
  • New Women: Short Stories By Canadian Women (1900-1920) by Sandra Campbell (Editor) and Lorraine Campbell (Editor)
Parody & Legacy
By Lorna Marie Irvine
Published in Poets’ Words. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 115 (Winter 1987): 264-267.
  • A Theory of Parody by Linda Hutcheon
  • All The Way Home by Max Braithwaite
  • Bagdad by Ian Dennis
  • Mobile Homes by Noel Hudson
Women's Voices
By Lorna Marie Irvine
Published in Popular Culture. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 108 (Spring 1986): 170-173.
  • Out on the Plain by Frankie Finn
  • Penumbra by Susan Kerslake
Separate Space
By Lorna Marie Irvine
Published in The Times Between. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 107 (Winter 1985): 120-123.
  • Censored Letters by Betsy Struthers
  • Margaret Atwood: A Feminist Poetics by Frank Davey

Articles by Lorna Marie Irvine