Marie Carrière

Works by Marie Carrière

Book Reviews by Marie Carrière

Looking Inward
By Marie Carrière
Published in Canada Reads. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 193 (Summer 2007): 119-120.
  • Hard Edge by F. G. Paci
  • Girls Closed In by France Theoret and Luise Von Flotow (Translator)
Imaginer l'Écrivain
By Marie Carrière
Published in Littérature francophone hors-Québec / Francophone Writing Outside Quebec. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 187 (Winter 2005): 175-177.
  • L'écrivain imaginaire. Essai sur le roman québecois 1960-1995 by Roseline Tremblay
Ravissements et exils
By Marie Carrière
Published in Canadian Literature 181 (Summer 2004): 166-168.
  • Le ravissement by Andrée A. Michaud
  • Mary l'Irlandaise by Maryse Rouy