Marie Vautier

Works by Marie Vautier

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Marie Vautier

Villages, nouvelles
By Marie Vautier
Published in Canadian Literature 156 (Spring 1998): 162-164.
  • Villages imaginaires: Edouard Montpetit, Jacques Verro?n et Jacques Poulin by Pamela V. Sing
  • The Quebec Anthology, 1830-1991 by Wayne Grady (Editor) and Matt Cohen (Editor)
A Didactic Bent
By Marie Vautier
Published in South Asian Connections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 132 (Spring 1992): 226-227.
  • Les Fous de papier by Roger Viau
  • Gabrielle Provencher, Suffragette by Rachel Fontaine
Epistolary Voices
By Marie Vautier
Published in Writing & Cultural Values. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 130 (Autumn 1991): 156-159.
  • Writing the Female Voice: Essays on Epistolary Literature by Elizabeth C. Goldsmith (Editor)
  • Discourses of Desire: Gender, Genre and Epistolary Fictions by Linda S. Kauffman
  • Herself Beheld: The Literature of the Looking Glass by Jenijoy La Belle
Multiple Mirrors
By Marie Vautier
Published in Writing & Cultural Values. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 130 (Autumn 1991): 130-132.
  • Relations de Jacques Cartier by Michel Bideaux (Editor)
  • Le Survenant by Germaine Guèvremont and Yvan G. Lepage (Editor)
É?critures trompeuses
By Marie Vautier
Published in Nature, Natural, Naturalists. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 111 (Winter 1986): 208-210.
  • La Rose des temps by Claire de Lamirande
  • L'Amateur d'art by Carmen Marois

Articles by Marie Vautier