Méira Cook

Works by Méira Cook

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Méira Cook

Unmarked Intersections
By Méira Cook
Published in Anne Carson. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 176 (Spring 2003): 119-121.
  • traffick by Rob Budde
  • Latent Heat by Catherine Hunter
Wounded Narratives
By Méira Cook
Published in Canadian Literature 169 (Summer 2001): 154-157.
  • Fresh Wounds: Early Narratives of Holocaust Survival by Donald L. Niewyk (Editor)
  • Shattered Subjects: Trauma and Testimony in Women's Life Writing by Suzette A. Henke
Tracking the White Rabbit
By Méira Cook
Published in Canadian Literature 165 (Summer 2000): 120-122.
  • White Stone: The Alice Poems by Stephanie Bolster

Articles by Méira Cook