Niigonwedom J. Sinclair

Works by Niigonwedom J. Sinclair

Book Reviews by Niigonwedom J. Sinclair

A Feast of Literature and a Helping of Literary Criticism
By Niigonwedom J. Sinclair
Published in Strategic Nationalisms. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 200 (Spring 2009): 137-139.
  • Two Houses Half-Buried in Sand: Oral Traditions of the Hul'q'umi'num' Coast Salish of Kuper Island and Vancouver Island by Beryl Mildred Cryer (Editor) and Chris Arnett (Editor)
  • Reasoning Together: The Native Critics Collective by Janice Acoose, Lisa Brooks, Tol Foster, LeAnne Howe, Daniel Heath Justice, Philip Carroll Morgan, Kimberley Roppolo, Christopher B. Teuton, Sean Teuton and Robert Warrior
Resisting Globalization
By Niigonwedom J. Sinclair
Published in Diasporic Women’s Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 196 (Spring 2008): 168-169.
  • Paradigm Wars: Indigenous Peoples’ Resistance to Globalization by Jerry Mander (Editor) and Victoria Tauli-Corpuz (Editor)
  • Manawa: Pacific Heartbeat: A Celebration of Contemporary Maori & Northwest Coast Art by Nigel Reading and Gary Wyatt