Pamela V. Sing

Works by Pamela V. Sing

Book ReviewsBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Pamela V. Sing

La réalité et ses ailleurs
By Pamela V. Sing
Published in Home, Memory, Self. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 203 (Winter 2009): 137-138.
  • Un enfant à ma porte by Ying Chen (Author)
  • Certitudes by Madeleine Thien (Author) and Hélène Rioux (Translator)
Représentations et poubellisation de l'autre
By Pamela V. Sing
Published in Canadian Literature 191 (Winter 2006): 118-119.
  • Les dépouilles de l'??altéité by Daniel Castillo Durante
L'oie, le chat et la souris
By Pamela V. Sing
Published in Women & the Politics of Memory. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 186 (Autumn 2005): 177-178.
  • alibi by Pierre Samson
  • Le jeu de l'oie : Petite histoire vraie d’un cancer by Sylvie Desrosiers

Book Reviews of Pamela V. Sing's Works