Ralph Sarkonak

Works by Ralph Sarkonak

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Ralph Sarkonak

Complex Simplicity
By Ralph Sarkonak
Published in web format on Canadian Literature‘s website. (Pending print publication.)
  • Twists of Fate: If by Chance and Destination Paradise by Michel Tremblay (Author) and Linda Gaboriau (Translator)
  • The Grand Melee by Michel Tremblay (Author) and Sheila Fischman (Translator)
By Ralph Sarkonak
Published in Lost and Found Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 236 (2018): 134-135.
  • Foucault/Derrida Fifty Years Later: The Futures of Genealogy, Deconstruction, and Politics by Olivia Custer (Editor), Penelope Deutscher (Editor) and Samir Haddad (Editor)
  • The Last Word: Reviving the Dying Art of Eulogy by Julia Cooper
Anachronistic Subject
By Ralph Sarkonak
Published in South Asian Connections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 132 (Spring 1992): 218-221.
  • Roland Barthes by Louis-Jean Calvet
  • The Ecstasies of Roland Barthes by Mary Bittner Wiseman
Unfinished Business
By Ralph Sarkonak
Published in Sport and the Athletic Body. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 202 (Autumn 2009): 99-100.
  • Naissance de Rebecca à  l'ère des tourments by Marie-Claire Blais
Immigrant Memoirs
By Ralph Sarkonak
Published in Canadian Literature 191 (Winter 2006): 151-153.
  • The Short Version by Stan Persky
  • Beethoven'??s Mask: Notes on My Life and Times by George Jonas
Queer Books
By Ralph Sarkonak
Published in Canadian Literature 188 (Spring 2006): 154-157.
  • L'énigme thérapeutique au coeur de la philosophie by Angela Cozea
  • Du côté de la sexualité: Proust, Yourcenar, Tournier by Anne-Marie Gronhovd
Toronto Translated
By Ralph Sarkonak
Published in Canadian Literature 188 (Spring 2006): 137-139.
  • Journal de Cabbagetown - Été 67 à Toronto by Jean Butler and Michel Albert (Translator)
  • Notes from Exile by Émile Zola, Dorothy E. Speirs (Translator), Dorothy E. Speirs (Editor) and Yannick Portebois (Editor)

Articles by Ralph Sarkonak