Works by Sarah Banting
Book Reviews
Book Reviews by Sarah Banting
Reading as Living
By Sarah Banting
Published in Concepts of Vancouver: Poetics, Art, Media Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 235 (Winter 2017): 159-160.
By Sarah Banting
Published in Concepts of Vancouver: Poetics, Art, Media Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 235 (Winter 2017): 159-160.
- Readopolis by Bertrand Laverdure and Oana Avasilichioaei (Translator)
Heavy and Light Hearts
By Sarah Banting
Published in Prison Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 208 (Spring 2011): 176-178.
By Sarah Banting
Published in Prison Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 208 (Spring 2011): 176-178.
- Billy Twinkle: Requiem for a Golden Boy by Ronnie Burkett
- Toronto the Good by Andrew Moodie
- While We're Young by Don Hannah
City of Words (and Pictures)
By Sarah Banting
Published in Queerly Canadian. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 205 (Summer 2010): 173-175.
By Sarah Banting
Published in Queerly Canadian. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 205 (Summer 2010): 173-175.
- Vancouver: A Poem by George F. G. Stanley
- A Verse Map of Vancouver by George McWhirter (Editor)
Social Commentaries
By Sarah Banting
Published in Disappearance and Mobility. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 201 (Summer 2009): 132-134.
By Sarah Banting
Published in Disappearance and Mobility. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 201 (Summer 2009): 132-134.
- The Trigger by Carmen Aguirre
- Shatter by Trina Davies
- Benevolence by Morris Panych
Bullshit Nations
By Sarah Banting
Published in Diasporic Women’s Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 196 (Spring 2008): 174-175.
By Sarah Banting
Published in Diasporic Women’s Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 196 (Spring 2008): 174-175.
- What Lies Before Us by Morris Panych (Author)
- In the Eyes of God by Raul Sanchez Inglis