Stephen Scobie

Works by Stephen Scobie

Book Reviews by Stephen Scobie

Saints Alive
By Stephen Scobie
Published in East Asian-Canadian Connections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 140 (Spring 1994) (Spring 1994): 146-148.
  • Ad Sanctos: The Martyrology Book 9 by bp Nichol and Howard Gerhard
  • Truth: a book of fictions by bp Nichol and Irene Niechoda
Shades of Precision
By Stephen Scobie
Published in A Poetry Miscellany. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 79 (Winter 1978): 89-90.
  • Pictograms from the Interior of B.C. by Fred Wah
  • The Cape Breton Book of the Dead by Don Domanski
  • The Werewolf Miracles by Terry Crawford
A Scheme is Not a Vision
By Stephen Scobie
Published in Writing for Children. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 78 (Autumn 1978): 53-58.
  • Savage Fields: An Essay in Literature and Cosmology by Dennis Lee (Author)
A Dash for the Border
By Stephen Scobie
Published in Poets Past and Future. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 56 (Spring 1973): 89-92.
  • Rivers Inlet by Gary Geddes (Author)
  • Monotones by bp Nichol (Author)
  • A Book of Occasional by Dwight Gardiner (Author)
  • Paris and London by David Rosenberg (Author)
  • Drifting Into War by bill bissett (Author)
Poets en Masse
By Stephen Scobie
Published in Poetry of P. K. Page. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 50 (Autumn 1971): 75-78.
  • The Ties of Time by John Lachs
  • Text for Nausikaa by Michael Harris
  • Outerings by Eugene McNamara
  • Walking on the Greenhouse Roof by Wally Keeler
  • 14 Poems by Alan Pearson