Susie DeCoste

Works by Susie DeCoste

Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Susie DeCoste

Garden Metaphors
By Susie DeCoste
Published in web format on Canadian Literature‘s website. (Pending print publication.)
  • Almost Beauty: New and Selected Poems by Sue Sinclair (Author)
  • Land of the Rock: Talamh on Carraig by Heather Nolan (Author)
  • You May Not Take the Sad and Angry Consolations by Shane Neilson (Author)
Being Seen by Place
By Susie DeCoste
Published in Lost and Found Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 236 (2018): 114-115.
  • The Larger Conversation: Contemplation and Place by Tim Lilburn
  • Walking by Nelson Ball
Shaping Days by Writing
By Susie DeCoste
Published in Indigenous Literature and the Arts of Comunity. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 230-231 (Autumn/Winter 2016): 263-265.
  • Startle and Illuminate: Carol Shields on Writing by Anne Giardini (Editor) and Nicholas GIardini (Editor)
  • As Always: Memoir of a Life in Writing by Madeleine Gagnon and Phyllis Aronoff (Translator)
Home in the Reading Chair
By Susie DeCoste
Published in Radio, Film, and Fiction. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 225 (Summer 2015): 156-157.
  • Outstanding in the Rain by Frank Viva
  • Home by Carson Ellis
  • The Fabulous World of Mr. Fred by Lili Chartrand
Poetic Performances
By Susie DeCoste
Published in Radio, Film, and Fiction. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 225 (Summer 2015): 151-152.
  • Some Birds Walk for the Hell of It by C. R. Avery
  • For Display Purposes Only by David Seymour
Transitions in Poetry
By Susie DeCoste
Published in Canadian Literature 212 (Spring 2012): 129-131.
  • Arrivals and Departures by Nina Berkhout
  • Here is Where We Disembark by Clea Roberts
  • The Good News About Armageddon by Steve McOrmond
  • Traumatology by Priscila Uppal
  • Winter Sport by Priscila Uppal
Lost and Last Prayers
By Susie DeCoste
Published in Prison Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 208 (Spring 2011): 182-183.
  • Seven Ravens by Lesley Choyce
  • The Wanton Troopers by Alden Nowlan
  • In Another Life by Raymond Fraser
Imagining Newfoundland
By Susie DeCoste
Published in Indigenous Focus. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 215 (Winter 2012): 166-67.
  • The Fetch by Nico Rogers
  • Glass Boys by Nicole Lundrigan
  • You Could Believe in Nothing by Jamie Fitzpatrick