Tina Northrup

Works by Tina Northrup

Book ReviewsArticles

Book Reviews by Tina Northrup

Things of This World
By Tina Northrup
Published in Eclectic Mix Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 234 (Autumn 2017): 148-149.
  • The Old World and Other Stories by Cary Fagan
  • Worldly Goods by Alice Petersen
Creature Features
By Tina Northrup
Published in Literary History. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 233 (Summer 2017): 167-168.
  • How To Draw A Rhinoceros by Kate Sutherland
  • Octopus by Patrick Warner
  • Foreign Park by Jeff Steudel
Immoderate Families
By Tina Northrup
Published in Emerging Scholars. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 226 (Autumn 2015): 156-57.
  • Twenty-One Cardinals by Jocelyne Saucier
  • Close to Hugh by Marina Endicott
Transcultural Identities
By Tina Northrup
Published in Recursive Time. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 222 (Autumn 2014): 145-46.
  • Transcultural Imaginaries: History and Globalization in Contemporary Canadian Literature by Nora Tunkel (Editor)
  • Investigating Canadian Identities: 10th Anniversary Contributions by Anna Pia De Luca (Author)
Reading for the Birds
By Tina Northrup
Published in Contested Migrations. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 219 (Winter 2013): 178-79.
  • Ornithologies of Desire: Ecocritical Essays, Avian Poetics, and Don McKay by Travis V. Mason

Articles by Tina Northrup